Johnson & Johnson Wound Care Resource™ app
I designed the Johnson & Johnson Wound Care Resource™ app screens for both the iOS and Android platforms. Helping to identify, track and provide recommendations on wound care treatment, the Johnson & Johnson Wound Care Resource™ App is an essential wound care tool that was created to aid in all things wound care. The app is a key resource for identifying new wounds, as well as keeping track of the everyday checklists that come with continued treatment.
+ User interface design
+ iOS and Android
+ User flows
+ Clickable prototyping
+ Visual QA
+ Engineering partnership
+ Specifications and redlines
+ Asset preparation and delivery
The client wanted to develop a way to give basic wound-care guidance to customers who were using their products. They also wanted to make it easy for users to manage their first aid supplies and to locate stores in their area that stocked what they needed.
I worked with the engineering team to build an app experience that integrated wound care checklists and recommendations, educational videos, as well as store supply counts and stockist locations. The app made it easy for patients and care providers to identify any signs of complications such as infections while caring for a wound after seeking medical attention. We worked as a team to design, develop and test the app under aggressive timelines and profit margins, ultimately delivering the project a week before our initial estimate.