Girl Scouts of America's education travel package showcase
Girl Scouts of America partnered with Holbrook Travel to develop three educational travel packages for troops and individual members looking to explore the world through international travel and discovery. The focus of the trips was to provide learning opportunities through curriculum-based programs that highlighted science, conservation and culture.
Typeface: PNM Caecilia®
+ Creative direction
+ Visual design
+ Illustrations
+ Copywriting & editing
+ Client presentations & approval
+ Pre-press & printing
The Girl Scouts of America organization wanted to offer international travel opportunities to their members, but the idea of planning and coordinating trips for their 2.6 million Girl Scouts was more than daunting.
The Holbrook Travel team developed three educational travel programs that captured both the spirit of the Girl Scouts' commitment to discovery and conservation as well as the curriculum designed to help members gain new skills and continue their growth as global citizens. I designed the printed booklet to showcase the partnership between Holbrook Travel and Girl Scouts of America, give members an idea of the level of thought and planning that went into the programs and allowed them to begin talking about and planning trips for their troops. I created custom illustrations for the booklet to give it a hand-crafted, playful tone and worked with our printer to add a sleeve and a piece of seed-infused paper that can be planted and will grow wildflowers.
We tracked programs that were initiated by members who had received the booklet, and 71 percent of the trips that were planned and booked were a direct result of this marketing piece I helped to create and develop.